
To be updated more frequently.  (now updated to Oct., 2012)


1. Liu, W.H., L.W. Chow and C.K. Lo (1996). Strain improvement of Arthrobacter simplex by protoplast fusion. J. Ind. Microbiol., 16 : 257-260. (SCI)

2. Liu, W.H., T.F. Wu and C.K. Lo (1997). Transformation of sitosterol to testosterone by Mycobacterium sp. J. Chin. Agric. Chem. Soc., 35 : 124-131.

3. Liu, W.H., K.L. Wu and C.K. Lo (1997). Microbial transformation of cholesterol to testosterone. J. Chin. Agric. Chem. Soc., 35 : 236-242.

4. Liu, W.H. and C.K. Lo (1997). Production of testosterone from cholesterol using a single step microbial transformation of Mycobacterium sp. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 19 : 269-272. (SCI)

5. Lo, C.K., K.L. Wu, and W.H. Liu, (2001). Interconversion of androst-4-ene-3,17-dione and using enzyme and resting cells of Mycobacterium sp.., Food. Sci. Agric. Chem.,

6. Liu, W.H, C.P. Pan, and C.K. Lo (2001). Transformation of phytosterol to testosterone by a Mycobacterium sp. in an airlift fermentor., Food. Sci. Agric. Chem., 3(4):139-142

7. Lo, C.K., C.P. Pan and W.H. Liu (2002). Production of testosterone from sitosterol using a single-step microbial transformation by a mutant of Mycobacterium sp., J. Ind. Microbiol., Biotechnol., 28: 280-283 (SCI)

8. 羅之綱、黃秋香。(2002)。乳品產業現況與展望,2-57~2-66。2002年食品產業年鑑。食品工業展研究所主編。經濟部技術處ITIS科技專案成果。

9. 羅之綱。(2002)。國內發酵乳市場與產品發展趨勢,食品市場資訊。91(9): 6-9

10. 高巍、羅之綱。(2009)。味精的安全性評估。中國調味品。34(7): 31-33

11. 鄭成榮、 范艷紅、孫洪峰、羅之綱(2009)。乾燥蒜粉中苯甲酸檢測的假陽性分析。食品研究與開發。30(7): 113-117

12. 羅之綱 (2009)。企業必須加強上游原料品質的檢測與評估。中外食品《中國麵製品》。2009(4): 18-20

13. He, J.S., Yang, H.W., Cai, R., Lo, C.K., Zhu, W.P.(2010)。Hydration of β-lactoglubulin in magnetized water: effect of magnetic treatment on the cluster stucture of water and hydration properties of proteins., Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 2010, 26(02): 304-310  (SCI)

14. 張東星, 羅之綱, 田師一, 鄧少平(2010)。智舌在茶類飲料生產中的應用。食品研究與開發。31(3): 184-186

15. Yan Zhang, Xin Li, Chih-Kang Lo and Shun-Tang Guo (2010)。Characterization of the Volatile Substances and Aroma Components from Traditional Soypaste., Molecules 2010, 15(5): 3421-3427 (SCI)

16. 鄭超、羅之綱 (2010)。脫水蔬菜農殘限量標準亟待完善。大眾標準化。2010(5): 46-48

17. 王建宏, 蔣明蔚, 尹建軍, 宋全厚, 羅之綱, 范艷紅 (2010)。Ag-H去除氯離子提高包裝水中溴酸鹽的檢測精度。食品工業科技。2010, 31(12): 349-351

18. 孫洪峰, 范艷紅, 孫永澤, 鄭成榮, 羅之綱 (2011)。氣相色譜-質譜法測定聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯瓶裝水中乙醛的遷移量。 理化檢驗:化學分冊。2011(4): 419-421

19. 張艷, 王建宏, 范艷紅, 劉宏, 羅之綱 (2011)。小麥粉中磷酸鹽本底含量檢測研究。中國食品添加劑。2011(5):211-213

20. 羅之綱 (2011)。科學發展, 面面俱到。中外食品《中國麵製品》。2011(5): 88-90

21. 王建宏,張艷,范艷紅,劉羅之綱 (2011)。離子色譜同時測定烘焙食品中两種形態磷酸鹽。食品研究與開發。32(12):137-139

22. 鄭成榮, 孫銀峰, 范艷紅, 羅之綱 (2012)。高效液相色譜-串聯質譜法測定豇豆中殺蟲劑水胺硫磷殘留量。理化檢驗: 化學分冊。48(1):106-107

23. 穆春芳, 鮑晨煒, 羅之綱 (2012)。飲用水感官評價的研究現狀。食品科技。2012(5):77-81

24. 孔凡娟, 羅之綱 (2012)。各國食品機械潤滑劑監管現況綜述。食品與機械。28(5):220-222

Conference abstracts

1. 劉文雄, 周隆武, 羅之綱, 李重義 (1993). 工業微生物之育種: Athrobacter simplex之原生質體融合. The 31st Annual Meeting of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society, June, 22, Taipei, ROC. Page 94.

2. Liu, W.H. and C.K. Lo (1995). The production of testosterone by fermentation process. The 29th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Microbiology, December 9-10, Taipei, ROC. Page 53.

3. 劉文雄, 羅之綱 (1995). 男性荷爾蒙睪固酮之醱酵生產研究. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society, June, 18, Taipei, ROC. Page 91.

4. 劉文雄, 張文慧, 羅之綱 (1996). 工業微生物之育種: 分枝桿菌之原生質體融合. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society, June, 18, Taipei, ROC. Page 41.

5. Liu, W.H. and C.K. Lo (1997). Production of testosterone from cholesterol using a single step microbial transformation of Mycobacterium sp. The 35th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society, June, 18, Taipei, ROC. Page 36.

6. Liu, W.H. and C.K. Lo (1997). Production of testosterone from cholesterol using a single step microbial transformation of Mycobacterium sp. The 3rd International Symposium on Biocatalyst and Biotransformations, September, 22-26, LaGrande Motte, France.

7. C.K. Lo and W.H. Liu (1998). Production of testosterone from cholesterol by Mycobacterium sp., The 3rd Conference on Biochemical Engineering, June, 27-28, Hualien, ROC. Page 3-6.

8. 劉文雄, 潘兆平, 羅之綱 (1998). 利用分枝桿菌變異株由植物()固醇生產男性荷爾蒙睪固酮之研究. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society, June, 24, Taipei, ROC. Page 25.

9. 劉文雄, 羅之綱, 陳偉志, 林俊材 (1998). 分枝桿菌之種內原生質體融合. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society, June, 24, Taipei, ROC. Page 32.

10.  Lo, C.K., C.P. Pan and W.H. Liu (2002). Production of testosterone from phytosterol using a single-step microbial transformation by a mutant of Mycobacterium sp. The 7th Conference on Biochemical Engineering, June, 28-29, Hualien, ROC. No. 20.

11.   林依婷、劉珍芳、王新顓羅之綱 (2005) 建立本土性食品之昇糖指數的試驗及其運用之技術平台。台北醫學大學九十三學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 C-33.

12.  Jinsong He, Chihkang Lo, Hongwei Yang, Taihua Mu, Norihiro Azuma, and Choemon Kanno  (2008). Effects of sugars on the cross-linking formation and phase separation of the high- pressure induced gelation of whey protein. The 14th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, October, 19-23, Shanghai, China. No.T-0739.

13.  Lo, Chih-Kang (2008). The construction of corporation pre-warning and feedback system on food safety. The 14th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, October, 19-23, Shanghai, China. T-01.

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